Drawing 3D Cube
Let's make 3d cube from these images and place text over it.
by Kai Reschke from Pixabay
by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay
Example code:
import { Canvas, distort, makeCanvas, degreesToRadians } from "@alxcube/lens";
const butterfly = await Canvas.createFromUrl("butterfly.jpg");
const web = await Canvas.createFromUrl("web.jpg");
const boat = await Canvas.createFromUrl("boat.jpg");
// Output square image side size
const outputSize = 210;
// Cube edge size
const edgeSize = (outputSize - 10) / 2;
// Cube center coords
const center = [outputSize / 2, outputSize / 2];
// Create canvas for output image and append it to body
const resultCanvas = makeCanvas(outputSize, outputSize, true);
// Calculate cube apexes destination coords.
const north = [center[0], center[1] - edgeSize];
const northWest = [
Math.cos(degreesToRadians(30)) * -edgeSize + center[0],
Math.sin(degreesToRadians(30)) * -edgeSize + center[1],
const northEast = [
Math.cos(degreesToRadians(30)) * edgeSize + center[0],
const southWest = [northWest[0], northWest[1] + edgeSize];
const southEast = [northEast[0], southWest[1]];
const south = [center[0], center[1] + edgeSize];
// Map images to destination apexes coordinates
const argsMap = [
[butterfly, [north, northEast, center, northWest]],
[web, [northWest, center, south, southWest]],
[boat, [northEast, southEast, south, center]],
for (const [
[topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft],
] of argsMap) {
// Map image corners to corresponding destination image points.
// prettier-ignore
const controlPoints = [
0, 0, ...topLeft,
sourceImage.width - 1, 0, ...topRight,
sourceImage.width - 1, sourceImage.height - 1, ...bottomRight,
0, sourceImage.height - 1, ...bottomLeft
// Distort image
const { image } = await distort(sourceImage, "Affine", controlPoints, {
viewport: true,
// Get image virtual viewport
const vp = image.getViewport();
// Put distorted image on result canvas according to virtual viewport offset
resultCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(image.getResource(), vp.x1, vp.y1);
// Load image with text
const text = await Canvas.createFromUrl("white-text.png");
// Distort text image
const { image: circleText } = await distort(text, "Arc", [
360, // Arc angle — full circle
0, // Rotation angle - 0 deg
edgeSize * 0.8, // Outer radius of text circle,
edgeSize * 0.4, // // Inner radius of text circle
// Get offset of circle center
const { x1: textCenterOffsetX, y1: textCenterOffsetY } =
// Draw circle so that circle center will be placed on destination canvas center
center[0] + textCenterOffsetX,
center[1] + textCenterOffsetX
Drawing result: